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Parking Services, Modern Day Fascists

Ill keep this brief, I just wanted to call to attention to something that has ruined all of our good moods at one time or other. Picture it, you're having a great day, you made it to all two classes, ate breakfast, maybe even did the homework, you get to your car and boom paper under your wiper (or in my case handlebars). You've been struck by the epidemic known as parking services. Parking service "officers" are the lowest of Law Enforcement. They're lower than Paul Blart. If Law enforcement were a football team the swat would be Brett Farve and Parking Services would be the water-boy's water-boy. They literally have no jurisdiction and no one oversees them but themselves. They hate students and love seeing our already small bank accounts drained. No one deserves to be bullied everyday by people who drive a Prius. That's hypocritical. Parking Services do whatever they want without our say. No taxation without representation. Know what all that sounds like? Fascism. Sneaky shit going on.

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