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It's All About Vowel Placement....

Anyone who spends time with kids knows their patience is truly a virtue. Whether it’s standing in line at the grocery store or waiting for food at a restaurant, kids complain about being bored within milliseconds. Instead of pulling out your phone to keep them entertained, though, why not play an old-fashioned game of Hangman?

Back in my day, Hangman was the second choice (right behind Heads Up 7-Up) of game to play in elementary school. For those who know me, I am a very competitive person. I would always win, win, win no matter what.

If you want to be a winner like me, then here are the top 10 best words to use for hangman:

1.) Jazz

2.) Numbskull

3.) Awkward

4.) Phlegm

5.) Lymph

6.) Fuchsia

7.) Kiosk

8.) Fjord

9.) Triphthong

10.) Haphazard

Now, you may be wondering why "jazz" is on the top of the list. Jazz has been proven to be the hardest word to guess in Hangman for these simple reasons:

1.) It's a short word. Shorter words give the guesser fewer chances to get the right letter. Since vowels are the most commonly guessed letters, that takes up 5 guesses with only 1 being right.

B.) The least guessed letters are those that are used less frequently, such as j, z, q, and v. 2/3 of the letters in jazz are on that list, so the word ends up being very hard to guess.

For a heads up in general about hangman, just refer to the title of this article.

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Nov 15, 2018

Rhythm, gets em every time.


Nov 15, 2018

Zephyr is a gross omission. Other than that.... Strong


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